Monday, September 10, 2012

Work in Progress

I'm taking on a new adventure.......... drum roll please it's called a Diet! I was at my mom's talking about losing some weight and I can remember as kids her always wanting to check our sugar as high sugar runs in our family. I couldn't believe what the number was I was in the pre diabetic stage!! That was a huge wake up call for me, I vowed at that very moment to make some life changes to better my health. I cut out all the sugary foods that I loved so much and all my beloved  Pepsi. I started this last week and have to date lost 2.5 pounds. This is a work in progress and by no means an easy road that i am traveling down, but I will accomplish this! If anyone has any tips to help me on this journey please feel free to leave a comment. I look forward to hearing from you:)

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to following your journey. Congrats on the 2.5 pounds lost!
