Monday, March 22, 2010

Rain, rain go away!!

It must be something to do with the rain that makes kids so grouchy. Nobody wants to get up in the morning, then when they do they fight till it's time for school. At least this is how my morning started.The kids eat breakfast and its an instant fight.... " your in my seat," "that's my cereal," then in the car on the way to school "she's touching me," Mom make her stop." For that one split instance you wish you could change your name to anything but Mom. Then you get some quiet time to your self to just relax and breath a little. At the end of the day the screaming stops and the kids tell you how much they love you. Being called Mom is a privilege even through the chaos that you have. Being a Mom is so great I wouldn't change any of it for anything.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

About Me

I'm a 29 yr old mother of two great kids. My son AJ is 12 and will play any sport he can get his hands on. My daughter Rileigh is 9 and is all about the girly stuff, makeup, clothes, Justin Beiber LOL. I have been married to my husband Paul for 12 yrs. We also have a labradoodle named Chloe and a maltese named Oliver who we love very much. We have a great life. I work in my father n laws pizza shop and love it! My husband and I run a photography business out of our home. Things can get a little hectic at times, especially during summer when sport season starts. We aren't a perfect family by any means but we always tell our children to strive to do their best:)